I'm ready for my new family!

Hi! My Name Is Zoey

I'm Available

Meet Zoey! She’s a 10 years young chihuahua. She is a sweet girl who would thrive in a home without resident children and can be placed with or without another dog. She is very sweet and fully house trained. She is a senior girl looking for a quiet home to call her own. Zoey is a typical chihuahua who barks at strangers she doesn't know and loves to be with her family. She does have a heart murmur that will need to be checked yearly during her regular vet appointments. Don’t let Zoey’s age fool you, she’s a spunky little girl who would love a warm lap to curl up on. Her love is unconditional. Seniors are the best cuddlers! ?? Zoey’s adoption fee is $850 which includes all vet work up to date including spay and dental. If you are interested in adopting this sweet girl, please film out our online adoption application on our website www.helpingpawsrescue.ca and we can start the process. Zoey deserves a loving home to live out her golden years.

  • Chihuahua & Mix
  • Female
  • 11 Years OldMy DoB is 07/16/2013
  • 10 - 20 Pounds
  • Ontario
  • Black
  • Couch Potato
  • Kids Scare Me
  • I Like All Dogs
  • Not Tested With Cats
  • Not Tested With Small Animals
  • I Have Not Been Tested with Farm Animals
  • I'm Trained
  • $850.00
Special Needs (Medical)
Medical Condition
Apply To Adopt Zoey
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